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Environmental Education in the Classroom

The Ontario Ministry of Education has committed to revising its curriculum documents to reflect environmental responsibility and sustainability.  They focus on education for the environment, about the environment and in the environment.  Below, you will find some specific examples of lessons and projects that relate the Ontario curriculum to environmental themes.

Grade 8-
Ban the Bottle

The Grade 8 class is studying Water Systems in Science and is specifically looking at how the bottled-water industry affects water systems and overall environmental conditions world-wide.  The students produced web pages to inform others about the environmental impact of plastic water bottles.


Below you will find links to some of the student pages.  Feel free to explore the different parts of the students' sites.



Field Trips to Apps' Mill

Most Paris Central grade levels had field trips to Apps' Mill this year.  Spending time in the environment helped students to appreciate the natural elements around us, as well as to understand the species that are native to our area.


Programs at Apps' Mill included: maple syrup, mapping, snowshoes, preditor/prey, streams and identification of species.

Grade 7-
Ecosystem Dioramas

When studying ecosystems, the Grade 7 class produced dioramas showing the biotic and abiotic factors in different ecosystems.

Examples of ecosystems were a swamp. a forest, the plains, the ocean and the African savana.  Students re-purposed materials to produce creative models showing diversity and the inter-connectedness of all living things.

Grade 7 -
Water Filtration Devices

At the conclusion of their Mixtures and Solutions unit, the Grade 7 class made water filtration devices from materials that they found at home or in the natural environment.  


They discussed the importance of protecting the fresh water supply in our area.

Grade 5/6-
Renewable Energy

The Grade 5/6 class focused on renewable energy sources thoughout our science unit. They learned about the benefits of these sources and how we can make them a more commonly used source. 

Though examining these sources the students were able to compare the benefits of these renewable sources and suggest ways they could be used everyday in homes, schools and businesses. 

Grade 5/6-
Energy-Efficient Homes

Students in Grade 5/6 took their knowledge of renewable sources of energy and created advertisements promoting ways to make your home more energy efficient. Student ideas ranged from compost bins to creative reminders to turn off lights. 


Paris Central School

7 Broadway St. E., Paris, ON.


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