Straw Bail Gardens Location
This is the location of where our new Straw Bail Garden is going to be. This is one of Paris Centrals Eco Club's biggest projects of the year. We have applied for a grant and we are going to use this grant to create our garden. We are planting many plants, including tomatoes, basil, and many other vegetables and herbs. Our two kindergarten class's are going to water our garden through out the year. In the summer we are going to get local community members to care for the garden until we return to school in September.
We are going to donate all of the food that we grow to a local church that runs a local soup kitchen and as a result of this we are giving back to our community.
Paris Central Eco Club is looking forward to giving back to our community and helping the people in our town. We will be posting updated pictures of our garden as we continue to make and grow it.